The Code


            const getValues = () => {
              let userString = document.getElementById('user-string').value;
              let obj = checkForPalindrome(userString);
            const checkForPalindrome = (inputString) => {
              var re = /[^A-Za-z0-9]/g;
              let input = inputString.toLowerCase().replace(re, '');
              var length = input.length;
              let revString = '';
              for (let i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                let letter = input[i];
                revString += letter;
              let palindromeObj = {
                isPalindrome: (revString == inputString),
                reversedString: revString
              return palindromeObj;
            const displayResults = (obj) => {
              let inputBox = document.getElementById('user-string');
              let alertBox = document.getElementById('alert');
              if (obj.isPalindrome) {
                document.getElementById('palindrome').textContent = "You entered a Palindrome!";
                document.getElementById('results').textContent = obj.reversedString;
                alertBox.classList.remove('invisible', 'alert-danger');
                inputBox.classList.remove('border', 'border-2', 'border-danger-subtle')
                inputBox.classList.add('border', 'border-2', 'border-success-subtle')
              else if (!obj.isPalindrome) {
                document.getElementById('palindrome').textContent = "You did not enter a Palindrome!";
                document.getElementById('results').textContent = obj.reversedString;
                alertBox.classList.remove('invisible', 'alert-success');
                inputBox.classList.remove('border', 'border-2', 'border-success-subtle')
                inputBox.classList.add('border', 'border-2', 'border-danger-subtle')

The code is structured in three functions


getValues() is a function that grabs the text from the input element and passes the text as a arguement to the function checkForPalindrome()


checkForPalindrome() is a function that recieves the text from the method getValues(). After the text is recieved, a regex is used to filter this text for anything characters that are not a-z or 0-9 and replaces that text with nothing. The text is also transformed to lower case before being used in a for loop. After the string is reversed with the for loop, a object called palindromeObj is created with two properties: isPalindrome which compares the user input with the reversed string to determine whether this comparision is true or false and reversedString is the second property which holds the user input that has been reversed. This object is returned and passed to the displayResults() function.


displayResults() is a function that uses the object returned from checkForPalindrome() and displays whether or not the user input is a palindrom or not, in a span tag.